What to Look for When Purchasing a Contemporary Rug

What to Look for When Purchasing a Contemporary Rug

Apr 6th 2023

Contemporary rugs are a popular choice for modern homes due to their stylish designs, unique patterns, and diverse range of materials. They’ve been on the rise in design trends in the last several years, and are predicted to continue to climb. Whether you are looking to make a bold statement or simply add a touch of sophistication to your space, contemporary area rugs can be the perfect addition for you and the different spaces of your home. In this post, we will explore what to look for when purchasing a contemporary rug and answer some frequently asked questions to help you find the ideal rug for your home. So, keep reading to learn all you need to know about making your contemporary rug selection and also how to style it perfectly in your space.


When choosing a contemporary area rug, one of the first things to consider is the material. Contemporary rugs come in a variety of materials, including natural fibers like wool, cotton, and jute, as well as synthetic fibers like nylon, polyester, and polypropylene. Each material offers its benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to determine which one best suits your needs.

Wool is a popular choice for contemporary rugs due to its durability, softness, and natural resistance to stains and dirt. Cotton is another natural option that offers a softer feel and is often more affordable than wool. Synthetic fibers, such as nylon and polyester, are also popular choices for contemporary rugs because they are durable, stain-resistant, and budget-friendly.

Shape and Size

The shape and size of your contemporary rug will greatly impact its overall appearance and functionality in your space. Before purchasing a rug, measure the area where it will be placed to ensure that it will fit properly. Consider the size of your room and the furniture layout when determining the appropriate rug size. If you want to experiment with different sizes, tape them out across your floor so you’ll be able to imagine how they’ll look when actually in your space.

Contemporary area rugs come in a variety of shapes, including rectangular, square, round, and even irregular. Choose a shape that complements your room's layout and design style. For example, a rectangular rug may be more suitable for a living room or bedroom, while a round rug might be the perfect choice for a dining area, or anywhere that you have curved furniture.

Here are some pointers for deciding between round and rectangular rugs.

Argo Contemporary Geometric Area Rug

Design and Pattern

Contemporary rugs are known for their wide range of designs and patterns, from abstract and geometric to floral and natural. When choosing a contemporary rug, consider the overall design style of your home and the specific room where the rug will be placed. Choose a design that goes with the rest of your room's decor and adds visual interest.

Don't miss these ideas for using a modern rug to add style to your home if you need any extra pointers.


Color plays a significant role in the overall impact of a contemporary rug – as you would expect, color matters the most. When choosing a rug, consider the color scheme of your room and how the rug's colors will coordinate with your existing decor. A neutral-colored rug can be used as a background for bold furniture and art, while a brightly colored or patterned rug can be the focus of a room with fewer colors and patterns. The color choices are endless, you just have to experiment to see which ones will mesh the best with your layout, furniture, and other decor pieces. Don’t be afraid to have fun trying out your options!


The texture is an important aspect of contemporary rugs that can easily add depth to your space. Rugs with a mix of high and low piles or those made from a combination of materials can create a unique tactile experience underfoot that often meshes perfectly with contemporary design. Consider the type of texture that will best complement your room's design style and the desired level of comfort. Some textures are more modern and create a visual impact but can be less plush or comfortable, so it all depends on where your priorities lie. Regardless, the perfect texture option is out there for you somewhere.

Maintenance and Care

Contemporary rugs, like any other type of rug, require regular maintenance and care to keep them looking their best. When selecting a rug, consider how easy it will be to clean and maintain. Some materials, like synthetic fibers, are more stain-resistant and easier to clean than natural fibers like wool or cotton. There are many styles of rugs that now come in a machine-washable format, which makes this portion of your decision-making just that much easier. Choosing a washable rug means that the risk of spills and stains is a thing of the past, as they are highly durable, water-resistant, and thin enough to be cleaned with ease.


The price of modern area rugs can vary a lot, depending on things like size, material, and design, among other things. Set a budget for your rug purchase and shop around to find the best value for your money. Keep in mind that a high-quality rug can be a long-term investment, so it's worth considering rugs at various price points to find the perfect balance between quality and affordability. Again, this one depends on you and your personal preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do I buy contemporary rugs?

A: Contemporary rugs can be purchased at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. Online stores like Wayfair, Overstock, and Rugs.com sell a wide range of modern rugs in different sizes, shapes, and materials. Additionally, you can explore local rug stores, furniture stores, and department stores that carry home decor items. Shopping around and comparing prices will help you find the perfect contemporary rug for your space.

A great place to shop for contemporary rugs is Decorsify.com, where our online store has a wide variety of different options when it comes to both rugs and furniture. So if you’re unsure of exactly where to start, or other retailers don’t have what you’re looking for, check us out!

Q: Can you mix contemporary furniture with oriental rugs?

A: Yes, mixing modern furniture with oriental or other traditional rugs can make a room look eclectic and add interest. The key to mixing these two styles is to keep the same color scheme and make sure that the pattern and colors of the rug go well with modern furniture. With this method, you can add warmth, texture, and a touch of tradition to a modern space while keeping it looking stylish and elegant.

Q: Does a red couch go with a red rug in a contemporary setting?

A: A red couch paired with a red rug can work in a contemporary setting, as long as the shades of red are complementary and not overly saturated. To make a room look balanced and keep the visual appeal, you might want to use neutral colors like gray, white, or black in its design. This will help to ground the bold red elements and create a cohesive look.

Q: How are contemporary Persian rugs manufactured?

A: Modern Persian rugs are often made using a mix of old and new methods. Many rugs are still hand-knotted by skilled artisans, using high-quality natural materials like wool and silk. Modern Persian rugs, on the other hand, may have designs, colors, and patterns that are different from the traditional motifs that are usually associated with Persian rugs.

Some recent Persian rugs are also machine-made. These machines use synthetic materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to make rugs that look and feel like traditional hand-knotted rugs but at a lower cost.

Q: How do I make a room with a Persian rug contemporary?

A: To give a room with a Persian rug a modern look, you can add modern furniture and decorations that match the colors and patterns of the rug. Choose clean-lined furniture with simple silhouettes and opt for minimalistic accessories and artwork. You can create a stylish, modern space that still shows off the beauty and craftsmanship of a Persian rug by keeping the color scheme consistent and balancing the traditional rug with modern elements.

All in all, purchasing a contemporary rug can be an exciting and transformative addition to your home, and any space within it. By paying attention to things like the material, size, color, pattern, and way it was made, you can find the perfect rug to match your modern furniture and take your decor to the next level. Mixing traditional and modern elements can give your space depth, interest, and warmth, giving it a look that’s unique and shows off your taste and style. With the right contemporary rug, and with these tips in mind, you can build an amazing modern oasis right in your own home.

If you’re looking to start shopping for a new contemporary rug, take a look at the listings on Decorsify’s online store, first. We have dozens of different options for rugs of all styles, as well as different pieces of furniture. Kick off your journey to your perfect contemporary room with us, and with this guide in mind, and you can’t go wrong!