Picking the Perfect Colorful Area Rug

Picking the Perfect Colorful Area Rug

Jun 28th 2023

There are few items in the world of home decor that have the ability to make the impact in a room that a colorful area rug can make. These rugs, vibrant and striking, have the capability to completely transform the look and feel of a room, setting the mood for the entire space. In this blog, we want to make sure you know all there is to know about the different kinds of colorful rugs, from bold solid prints to thick, shaggy designs, and that you have everything you need at your disposal to style one in your own home! So if you love bright and beautiful colors, and want to learn about a simple way to integrate them into your home design, keep reading!

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Choose a Mood

The ambiance of your space can be affected by the colors of your rug. Red, yellow, and orange-hued area rugs can enliven a space and make it vivid and energetic, while cold colors like blues and greens can produce a soothing, unhurried atmosphere. Consider rust colored area rugs or earth tones if you want a refined, earthy aesthetic, or cream-colored area rugs are a fantastic option for a simple, peaceful setting. All of these different color options will tie directly to the mood that your room exudes, and the feeling that it encourages in your guests.


Even though a colorful area rug can steal the show, the rest of your space should still match it. Take note of the prevailing colors in your room, including those on the walls, furniture, artwork, and textiles.

One excellent approach to mix and harmonize different colors in your decor is with a multicolored area rug. Choose one or two colors from the rug that go with the decor if your room is already vibrant. A multicolored rug can act as a striking focal point and add much-needed color in more muted areas.

Pay Attention to Balance

Finding a balance is crucial when introducing a colorful area rug into your room. You might use strong, brilliant colors if your rug will be the main source of color in the space. A rug with more muted or complementary colors, however, can help the area feel more balanced if it is already decorated with a variety of colors.

For instance, a rug in cooler tones might create a striking contrast in a space where warm colors are predominate. On the other hand, a rug with warm colors can offer a touch of coziness and excitement to a space with a cool color scheme.

Experiment with Patterns

Your room may feel energetic and lively by adding levels of visual appeal with a patterned, multi color area rug. Abstract and geometric patterns, as well as floral or oriental motifs, are all examples of patterns. The key is to make sure the pattern matches the design of your room. For instance, more organic motifs could work better in traditional or eclectic settings while geometric patterns can look perfect in modern environments.

Consider Texture

Although color is an important consideration when choosing a rug, the texture of the rug is also a crucial factor. Depending on the material and the height of the pile, the texture can either accentuate or subdue the colors of the rug. For instance, a flatweave rug in the same hue could give off a more relaxed, casual vibe compared to a high-pile, shaggy rug in a bright color.

Try Out Different Placements and Sizes

How the colors interact with the other elements of the room can be influenced by the rug's size and placement. Smaller, colorful rugs can define regions within a space without overpowering it, while larger, statement-making rugs can function as focal pieces. The rug you choose should be large enough to serve as the room's anchor, but it is also crucial that there be sufficient floor space around it.

Take Lighting Into Account

The colors of your rug can look quite different depending on the lighting. While fluorescent lighting can make warm colors look more vivid and cool hues look washed out and dreary, natural daylight will reveal the rug's actual colors. To be sure a rug will look nice in your space at any time of day, place a color watch in a specific area and look at different intervals to see how the color holds up under different spectrums of light.

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Q: How do I choose the right color for my area rug?

A: The color scheme of your room and the atmosphere you want to set will both play a key role in deciding what color to make your area rug. A multicolored rug can provide a splash of color to rooms with a neutral color scheme. On the other hand, arug in a neutral or complimentary color can provide harmony to an area that is already overflowing with color. Always keep the mood in mind while choosing colors; bright hues like reds, yellows, and oranges evoke vigor, while cool hues like blues and greens can evoke serenity.

Q: Can a colorful area rug go with any color scheme?

A: The key to using a colorful area rug with several color schemes is balance. A colorful, multicolored rug can act as the center of attention in a room with muted decor. A rug with a dominating hue that compliments the room's color scheme helps unify the space without overpowering it in a room that already has a lot of color.

Q: What is the rule of thumb for area rug size?

A: The room's furniture arrangement and rug size affect each other. A general guideline for living rooms is that every piece of central furniture should have at least its front legs on the rug.

The rug in the dining area should be big enough for the chairs to still be on it when they are pulled out. The rug should surround the bed in bedrooms by at least two to three feet. Rules can, however, be bent based on particular room arrangements and individual preferences, or if the rug you use is an abnormal shape, like a runner rug or an oval.

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All in all, using a multi-color rug in the different spaces around your home is not only easy when you have a guide like this in mind, but it is also rewarding! Whether you’re partnering it with an already-colorful interior design, or you’re trying to add a pop of color to an otherwise subtle room, a multi-color rug can be exactly what you need to complete your room’s decor.

If you’re interested in adding a new multi-color rug to your home décor collection, be sure to check out the different options currently available on Decorsify.com. Happy decorating!