Elevating Your Laundry Room With an Area Rug

Elevating Your Laundry Room With an Area Rug

Jun 14th 2023

When it comes to home decor, there are a few different spaces that tend to get overlooked when it comes to decorating. The laundry room is one of them, as it often gets dismissed as a functional space that serves a purpose and nothing more. However, with the correct design elements, you can transform this area into an inviting and stylish part of your home. One simple yet impactful way to enhance the aesthetics of your laundry room is by incorporating rugs. In this blog, we'll explore some of our top rug options for laundry rooms, including several different sizes and styles, any of which could be used in your space. Let's dive in!

Rugs for Laundry Rooms: The Basics

The laundry room is a space where functionality meets practicality, but that doesn't mean it has to lack style. We understand the importance of creating a cohesive and beautiful home environment, including every room, no matter its purpose. Laundry rooms do serve their purpose, yes, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t add some extra flair to the design of your home. Placing a rug in your laundry room is an easy fix to the lack of decoration the space might have, whether you decide a full-space area rug or a small doormat at the room’s entrance.

Small Entryway Rugs

Laundry rooms often serve as entry points from the garage or outdoor areas. Adding a small entryway rug can help define the space and prevent dirt and debris from being tracked further into your home. These rugs come in various patterns and materials, providing functionality and style in a way that will tie the room to the others. You can choose a small washable rug if your main goal is still efficiency or easy maintenance, or you can opt for a rug of a different texture if you want to make the room more comfortable or appealing to the eye.

Runner Rugs

Runners are another great option for laundry rooms, and tend to be one of the most popular, especially for smaller spaces. These rugs are the perfect size to run in front of the washer and dryer, giving you a comfortable place to stand when putting your clothes into either one! They are easy to move, if you want to use it in different spots around the room, and also come in a variety of different styles, patterns, and textures. Runner rugs are a great alternative for someone who has more space than a small rug can cover, but not a spacious enough room to hold a larger area rug.

Large Area Rug

A large area rug offers the same stylistic opportunities as the smaller options, but on a wider scale. A large rug can provide a focal point in the room, add warmth, and create a sense of comfort in a room that is otherwise only functional, and might. With a wide selection of patterns, colors, and textures, you can find the perfect large area rug to match your laundry room's aesthetic. With large rugs, placement depends on just how large your room is; the rugs can either be placed in the room’s center, or placed underneath the washer and dryer to designate them in their own space.

Extra-Large Area Rugs

If you have a spacious laundry room or want to create a cozy seating area, an extra-large area rug is ideal. These rugs can help anchor the space, define different locations within the room, and provide a comfortable surface to stand or sit on while folding clothes or waiting for the cycle to finish. For rugs this large, typically ranging in size from 8x10 to 9x12, the rug should be placed in the center of the room, with at least a few inches of space around each edge to border the room.

Shop Extra-Large Rugs Now


Q: How can rugs enhance the laundry room?

A: Rugs can add style, warmth, and comfort to your laundry room. They can define the space, provide cushioning for your feet, absorb noise, and protect your floors. Additionally, rugs can bring color, pattern, and texture to an otherwise functional area, making it more inviting and aesthetically pleasing.

Q: Why should I consider small entryway rugs for my laundry room?

A: Small entryway rugs can help define the space and prevent dirt and debris from being tracked further into your home. In addition, they offer a practical solution for laundry rooms that serve as entry points from the garage or outdoor areas. With various patterns and materials available, small entryway rugs provide both functionality and style.

Q: Are extra-large area rugs suitable for spacious laundry rooms?

A: Yes, extra-large area rugs are perfect for spacious laundry rooms. They can anchor the space, define different areas within the room, and create a comfortable seating or play area. Extra-large area rugs add a touch of luxury and comfort to your laundry room while providing a visually appealing focal point.

Q: How can I choose the right size rug for my laundry room?

A: To choose the right size rug, measure the available floor space in your laundry room. Then, consider the layout, furniture placement, and the desired coverage area. A small or medium-sized rug may be sufficient for smaller laundry rooms, while larger rooms may require a large or extra-large mat to create balance and visual harmony.

Decorsify is your go-to destination for transforming your laundry room into a stylish and inviting space. Our wide selection of rugs, including dozens of different size options, offers a range of choices to suit your preferences and needs. By incorporating these rugs, you can elevate the aesthetics of your laundry room while enjoying the practical benefits they provide. From adding warmth and comfort to defining spaces and protecting your floors, our rugs are designed to enhance your laundry room experience. Visit us today and explore our extensive collection of rugs to find the perfect fit for your laundry room. With our high-quality and stylish options, you can create a laundry room that seamlessly blends functionality and design… so why not get started today?