A How-To Guide for Decorating Your Wall Shelf

A How-To Guide for Decorating Your Wall Shelf

May 22nd 2023

Wall shelves have been a go-to for home decor lovers for a long time, and not just because they’re eye-catching. Not only do wall shelves offer storage space in a beautifully modern form, but they also present a blank canvas for creativity. Empty shelves are a chance to create something new, to completely transform a room with actions as small as picking different decor pieces to sit on those shelves and bring the area to life. The options are endless: books, plants, pieces of art, and so much more! In this blog, we here at Decorsify are going to walk you through all of the different reasons why you should incorporate  wall shelves into your current decor scheme, as well as how to decorate them to the max. So, keep reading!

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Why to Choose Decorative Wall Shelves

Before we dive into the different ways you can decorate your wall shelves, let's talk about why you should do so in the first place. There are several benefits to choosing mounted shelves for your home, such as:

Add Life

Plants and other shelf decorations add a pop of color and a sense of life to any room. Adding them to your wall shelf lets you liven up a space that might otherwise feel dull.

Makes Use of Unused Space

Wall shelves are often underutilized but offer much potential for decorating your space. Adding plants and other decor allows you to use that unused space and create a more visually appealing room.

Create a New Focal Point

A well-decorated wall shelf can become a focal point in your room. Adding interesting decor and plants allows you to draw attention to the shelf that is sure to wow any family or guests that might walk through your front door.

Choosing the Right Plants

When decorating your wall shelf with plants, choose the ones that will thrive in that environment. Here are some things to consider when selecting plants for your wall shelf:


Consider the amount of natural light your wall shelf gets. Some plants thrive in bright, direct light, while others prefer indirect light.


The size of your wall shelf will determine the size of the plants you can use. Choose plants that won't overpower the shelf or make it look cluttered.


Some plants require more care than others. If you're new to plant care, start with low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for. Some great beginner plants for your  wall-mounted shelf include succulents, air plants, and small herbs like basil and mint.

Incorporating Other Decor

Plants aren't the only thing you can use to decorate your wall shelf. Here are some other decor ideas to consider:


Hang a small piece of artwork on the wall above your shelf to create a cohesive look by carrying the fluidity of the decor upward and off of the shelf itself.


Use a stack of books to add height to your shelf and create visual interest. You can choose decorative books that are meant for visual appeal, or if you’re a bookworm, use this opportunity to display some of your favorites!


Small figurines or sculptures can add a touch of whimsy to your decor.


Use a vase or two to hold fresh flowers or branches that are sure to add even more life to the room.

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Tips for Arranging Your Shelf

Once you've chosen your plants and other decor, it's time to arrange them on your wall shelf. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Start with a Clean Slate

Before arranging your decor, remove everything from the shelf and start with a clean slate. This will allow you to fully visualize where everything will need to go, and where it will fit the best.

Play with Height

Varying the height of your plants and other decor can create a more visually interesting display. Place taller things in the back with shorter items in front, or have some larger items take up more space with other smaller items around them.

Group Items in Even or Odd Number

Grouping items in odd numbers has grown in popularity along with every other part of asymmetrical design – choose this form of grouping if you want your shelf to look more modern or whimsical. But, if you’re a  traditionalist, then grouping items symmetrically on either end of the shelf can be just as beautiful.

Create Depth

By layering your decor, you can create a sense of depth and dimension. Stack books on top of one another, sit a plant on top of a watering tray, place a vase on top of another flat piece of decor. Stacking and layering not only increases your storage space but makes the display more interesting.

Maintaining Your Wall Shelf Decor

Once you've decorated your shelves, it's important to maintain them to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips for maintaining the decor on your shelves:

Water Your Plants

Make sure to regularly and follow their care instructions. Overwatering or underwatering can lead to wilted or dead plants. Again, all plants are different in their needs and what it takes to keep them thriving, so be sure to do some research on the types of plants that you choose.

Dust Regularly

Dust can accumulate on your plants and decor, so dust your  wall shelf regularly to keep it looking clean and fresh. A light dusting once a week can do the trick, along with a deeper dusting that involves emptying the shelf, once a month at least.

Rotate Your Plants

If your wall shelf gets uneven light, rotate your plants regularly to ensure they get enough sunlight. If you don’t do this, the plant might end up leaning towards the sun and can throw off the symmetry of the rest of your design.

Update your Decor

Don't be afraid to switch up your decor occasionally. You can add new plants or swap out artwork to keep your wall shelf looking fresh and updated.


Q: Can I use fake plants instead of real ones?

A: Yes, you can use fake plants if you prefer. However, real plants offer the added benefit of purifying the air and adding natural beauty to your space, so you’ll be missing out on that added bonus – but fake plants can provide the same amount of beauty and visual appeal as real ones do.

Q: How often should I water my plants on my wall shelf?

A: It depends on the specific plants you have and their care instructions. Some plants may need to be watered daily, while others may only need to be watered once a week or less. Make sure to research the care requirements for your specific plants.

Q: Do I need to use a lot of decor on my wall shelf?

A: No, you don't need to use a lot of decor on your wall shelf. Less can be more when creating an elegant and visually appealing display. It all depends on your personal preferences, whether you prefer minimalist or maximalist design, and the amount of items you have that you want to store on your shelf.

Q: Can I hang my wall shelf at any height?

A: It's best to hang your  wall shelf at a height that is comfortable for you to access and that fits well in the space. Make sure to take measurements and consider the room's overall aesthetic before hanging your shelf.

Q: What if I don't have a lot of natural light in my space?

A: If your wall shelves don't get a lot of natural light, you can still decorate with plants. Consider using low-light plants like snake plants or pothos that can thrive in indirect light.

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Wall mounted shelves are a great way to add visual interest and personality to your space – they’ve grown in popularity over recent years, and there’s a good reason for it. You can create a beautiful and unique display by choosing the right plants and decor and arranging them thoughtfully. With proper maintenance, your wall shelf decor can continue to enhance your space for years. If you’re in the market for a new wall shelf, be sure to take a look at the different listings on  Decorsify.com!

Also make sure to check out the other articles on our blog for further design tips and tricks:

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