A Guide to Styling Your Bookcase

A Guide to Styling Your Bookcase

May 30th 2023

Bookcase styling is essential to home decor, as it can transform a simple bookshelf into an eye-catching focal point. A well-styled bookcase can of course provide functional storage for books and other items, but can also and add depth and visual interest to an otherwise dull space.

By incorporating various decor elements, such as vases, framed photos, or other knick-knacks, a bookcase can be transformed into a unique piece that reflects the personality and style of the homeowner. Additionally, a well-styled bookcase can create a sense of organization and order, adding a layer of calm to otherwise busy living rooms, bedrooms, or other destination spaces.

We here at Decorsify are going to walk you through exactly how to style a bookcase depending on the layout and style of your home. Placement, measuring, color-matching and style cohesiveness are all very important factors that go into your style choices, and we want you to be as prepared as possible

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Preparing Your Bookcase

Preparing your bookcase is important in creating an organized and visually appealing space for your books. First, assess your bookcase and determine if it is structurally sound and fits your needs in terms of size and storage.

Next, clean and declutter your bookcase by removing any books that you no longer need or want and any other items that may be cluttering the shelves. This will create more space for your books and give the bookcase a cleaner and more organized appearance.

Finally, consider painting or wallpapering the back of the bookcase to add a pop of color or pattern; this will create a visually interesting backdrop for your books. This will help to make your bookcase stand out as a decorative element in your space while also showcasing your book collection.

Selecting Books and Decorative Items

When selecting books and decorative items for your home , you need to keep several different things in mind. First and foremost, you'll want to choose books that reflect your interests and style while also fitting in with the overall aesthetic of your space.

This could mean anything from classic novels and art books to cookbooks and travel guides. Additionally, it's important to balance old and new pieces when selecting decorative items. Mixing vintage and antique items with more contemporary decor can add depth and character to your space while creating a sense of history and tradition. Let your displays be innovative, creative, and most of all, let them reflect who you are!

Consider arranging your books by color or size, and use decorative items like vases, candles, and picture frames to break up the layering of to your shelves.

Grouping and Arranging Items

Grouping items by color, shape, and size is useful for organizing your space and creating a flow from one shelf to the other. By grouping items with similar characteristics, you can easily locate them when needed and create a visually appealing display. For example, grouping books by color can create a beautiful rainbow effect on a bookshelf, while grouping vases by size and shape can create a visually interesting centerpiece, instead. Balancing your bookcase with symmetry is another way to create an aesthetically pleasing display. This involves arranging items in a way that is evenly distributed and balanced on both sides of the bookcase.

On the other hand, asymmetry involves arranging items in a way that is deliberately unbalanced but still visually appealing. This can be achieved by using odd numbers of items, arranging items in a diagonal or zig-zag pattern, or using items with varying heights and shapes. This design tactic works especially well in rooms that use eclectic or maximalist style, as it makes the shelves fuller while still not over-cluttering them.

Filling the Shelves

When it comes to filling the shelves of your bookcase, there are a few key steps to consider. The first is to determine which items you want to display on the top shelves, which are typically the most visible. This might include decorative items like vases, sculptures, or picture frames. The middle shelves can then showcase your book collection, or any other collectable items you might have – the middle shelf is best for knick-knacks like this. Finally, the bottom shelves can display larger items like baskets or storage boxes, or maybe they can house your folded blankets and floor pillows. Bottoms shelves are typically taller, which makes them the perfect place to store all of your larger pieces of decor.

Adding Finishing Touches

When adding the finishing touches to a room, incorporating lighting, greenery, and decorative items can make a huge difference. Lighting is essential for creating ambiance and can be used to highlight certain areas or features of the room, including the bookcase itself. Choosing the right lighting can add warmth and character to a space, whether it's a statement pendant light or a simple table lamp.

Adding greenery, such as plants or flowers, can bring life and freshness to a room. They not only give a splash of color but also enhance air quality and promote relaxation.

Lastly, layering decorative items such as throw pillows, rugs, and artwork can add texture and depth to a space, making it feel cozy and inviting. These small finishing touches can transform a room and make it feel complete.


Q: How do I prevent my bookcase from looking cluttered?

A: To prevent your bookcase from looking cluttered:

Start by decluttering the space. Remove any books or decorative items that you no longer need or want. Group similar items together and use bookends to create sections, while using baskets or storage boxes to contain smaller items. Use a mix of tall and short items to create visual interest and add texture by incorporating a small accent rug or artwork on the walls around the bookcase itself. Try to maintain a balance between open space and filled space to avoid overcrowding the shelves.

Q: How do I mix and match different decorative items?

A: Consider their color, texture, and shape when mixing and matching decorative items. Choose items that complement each other rather than clash. Vary the heights and sizes of the items to create a sense of balance. Group items together in odd numbers, which tends to be more visually appealing, especially if you’re someone who keeps up with decor trends. Finally, consider the overall style and theme of the room, and choose items that fit that aesthetic.

Q: How often should I update my bookcase?

It depends on your preferences, the change you desire in your room, and how frequently you should replace your bookshelf. To keep it looking new and prevent clutter building, replacing your bookcase after using it for four-to-five years is a good idea. You can switch out decorative items, rearrange the books, and add new pieces to reflect your interests and style in the years in between.

Shop This Bookcase Now

Whether you’re a bookworm or just a home decor lover, bookcases are one of the most important pieces of furniture you can own. A well-styled bookcase provides functional storage, as well serving as an extension of you and your own personal style. By incorporating various decor elements, such as vases, framed photos, or decorative objects, a bookcase can be transformed into a unique piece that reflects the personality and style of the homeowner – you!

With this guide in mind, you should be all set! Whether you’re in the market for a new bookcase and are getting ready to place it in your home, or are wanting to freshen up the way your current bookcase is styled, now you have all the information you need to do so! Stack your books, arrange your knick-knacks, and transform your bookcase into the focal point of whatever room you place it in. Good luck, and happy decorating!

If you're on the hunt for the perfect bookcase for you, be sure to take a look at the different options we have available, at Decorsify.com.